David Akim

Web Developer

About Me

A developer with a background in Electrical and Computer Engineering and a passion for creating web applications. I have a diverse skill set that encompasses developing Angular apps, building an e-commerce platform with Django, and creating a book review app using React and Spring Boot. I also have experience developing a M.E.R.N. stack (MongoDB, Express, React, Node) app which keeps tracks of patients' records.


Movie Finder App
This app was built in Streamlit and it searches for movies using the OMDb API. It also plots the IMDb ratings vs the movie titles.
Movie Finder App
This app is designed for medical practitioners to observe and revise patient statuses, medications, and other crucial particulars.
Communication Engineering Tool
This is an online tool developed to help students understand the fundamentals of communication systems engineering.
Communication Engineering Tool
PON Planning Tool
This is an online tool developed to help students understand the fundamentals of passive optical network planning.
PON Planning Tool
LOS Microwave Tool
This is an online tool developed to help students understand the fundamentals of line of sight microwave network planning.
LOS Microwave Tool
VSAT Planning Tool
This is an online tool developed to help students understand the fundamentals of very small aperture terminal network planning.
VSAT Planning Tool
Cubesat Planning Tool
This is an online tool developed to help students understand the fundamentals of cubesat network planning.
Cubesat Planning Tool
E-Commerce Website
This website allows retailers sell their products and customers to place orders. An administrator monitors all products and orders.
E-Commerce Website
Book Review App
This app allows users to search for books using the Open Library API, review the books and save the reviews.
Book Review App
Spring Boot (Java)


I am happy to announce that my team has been named the Best Use of Kintone in the MLH's 2024 Month Long Hackathon. Our application keeps track of the user's status break and work for each task, and also visualizes the data for them to see how much they work at one glance. Additionally, users can see other users' working hours by the plot.

In this blog, I go through the steps of creating a bot in the Slack messaging app which automatically determines the user's age based on the user's input.

In this blog, I go through the steps of creating a movie finder app using Streamlit and the OMDb API. Streamlit is an open-source Python library that makes it easy to create custom web apps. The OMDb API is a RESTful web service for retrieving movie information. The movie finder app will have a feature to filter the movie results by type either movie or series, by year of release and by IMDB rating. It will also have a feature to plot the ratings and votes.

In this blog, I go through the steps of using Plotly.js in React. Plotly.js is an Open Source Graphing Library. At the end of this lesson, you should be able to do a simple plot with Plotly.js.

Completed Hacktoberfest 2023 (12 October 2023)

Completed Hacktoberfest 2023

Received Hacktoberfest Tree 2023

I am happy to share that I participated in the “BELLA Hackathon: Copernicus Innovation Development”. I joined Group #25 and we took part in the SADAI (Satellite Data Interpreter + Artificial Intelligence) category. We built an app called Sistema de Prevención de Incendios (Fire Prevention System). This app uses Copernicus satellite data to generate maps of active fires across Argentina. We won 2nd place! The hackathon was in Spanish which I did not speak, but thanks to my team members, I overcame that hurdle!

In this blog, I go through the steps of integrating CesiumJS with Angular. CesiumJS is an open source JavaScript library for creating 3D globes and maps. At the end of the lesson you should be able to do a simple plot with CesiumJS.

In this blog, I go through the steps of integrating Plotly.js with Angular. Plotly.js is an Open Source Graphing Library. At the end of the lesson you should be able to do a simple plot with Plotly.js.


Slackbot Reply Book Review AWS Attendance Whylabs AI Django E-commerce Data Analyst Whylabs Computer Vision DeepLearning AI Machine Learning